Keeping the above dictum in mind, Gurukripa Career Institute, Sikar established Pre-foundation Division to give the young minds of classes 8 to 10 a solid foundation for future. This division coaches the students not only for academic excellence but for all round development because  only a well developed personality that can brave the cut throat competition of 21st century and come out with laurels around his head.

This division aims to not only give its students an academic edge over others in SA-1 and SA-2 but also prepare them for a number of competitive exams and Olympiads of national and international reputation. The list of such competitions and Olympiads includes NTSE, IJSO, RMO, IBO, A Star India Youth Scholarship Exam, PSAT, IESO, IEO, IOEL etc. Moreover, this division lays a strong foundation for IIT JEE, PMT, SAT, CLAT etc as only a well founded edifice can brave the tempest of such competitive times as we are living in.

As PFD concerns itself with the all round development of the students, various seminars, workshops, motivation sessions, competitions, cultural programmes and outdoor activities like picnics, trekking, sports etc are organized from time to time. In a nutshell, PFD aims to give all that an excellent school can give and much more in the form of highly advanced academic courses and extra-curricular activities.

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